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Harold Of Free Speech



George Floyd Crisis Actor CV

  - 8:09

More and more evidence that the alleged murder of George Floyd is staged, to create fear and unrest! All per design. Problem, Reaction Solution. Problem, bad white cop, reaction protest. Solution more surveillance, ore control!






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June 16th 2020  

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- 4 years ago  

great analysis thanks for your hard work


- 4 years ago  

The brother is not lying to you. Many of these assholes in these false flag events are Masons. What the brother is missing, is the connection between these racially treasonous God damned Masonic assholes (the majority of them being white) and their partners in crime, these Jewish Zionist terrorists. That is what he is missing. Now, I don't want to infer anything onto the African American community or black people living in America. That is "on them" to reveal to their own people. But, what I would say, is I would advise all American people, to take a close and hard look, at who you always see showing up at these bogus false flag events. What do you see? You see old white men, and Jews. Over and over and over again. Why is that? It is because "these old white men" are Masons, and these Jews, "are Jewish Zionist terrorists", and that is what they are. If you are mentally stupid or your brain just doesn't work, read the biographies of the first three prime ministers of Israel. That should acid wash any delusions you have in your brain, about what these people really are. "THEY ARE PARTNERS IN CRIME WITH EACH OTHER". This is what Americans are not seeing. They only have been partners in crime with each other, against European Americans, since the 1840s and 50s. Saint Floyd is today, 90 days drug free, and God bless him and the best of luck to him. Now, saying that, stating the truth, pisses off some black people. If you are black, and you feel pissed off at that statement, you need to think about "why the truth" pisses you off. It might help you, in some insignificant way. There is a reason, you feel like you do. Discover it brothers. The truth will set you free.