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GSH for Life



The Myth Of Contagion, a discussion with T.C. Fry

  - 1:00:36

Interview of T.C. Fry author of "The Great AIDS Hoax" by Dr. Henry L.N. Anderson






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December 25th 2021  

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Category: Health And Wellness


GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

AIDS was manufactured by the Government Dr Len Horowitz - 56:09 -> A Message To Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'S Anti-Vaxxers - 27:59 ->

GSH for Life


GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

The Poisoned Needle – Suppressed Facts About Vaccination Here’s a hard to find book about vaccination published in 1957 by Eleanor McBean. This is a cleaned up version. Link:

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Now if you think it's shocking that SARS-COV-2 has never been proven to exist, how about finding out that no viruses have ever been proven to exist? The people who rule us love to poison us. That makes us sick and easier to rule. Instead of blaming the poisons they poison us with, they blame invisible attackers that we can't personally confirm exist or not. We see the sickness but it's all about deflecting away from the visible poisons and blaming invisible pathogens, to keep us running east looking for a sunset.

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

This has to be one of my favorite short documentaries, clearly proving that SARS-COV-2 as a virus has never existed. If SARS-COV-2 doesn't exist, it obviously can't make anyone sick. You also can't develop a test or a vaccine for something that doesn't exist. Sickness happens naturally, the toxic shots are increasing natural sickness levels and then corrupt media/government are blaming the increase in sickness on something that doesn't exist.

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

The Final Refutal of Virology - THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION IS HERE! English version. - Yummy.Doctor Holistic Health Education - 22:25

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago James True: ''Humanity is not a virus. Covid-19 is an attack on humanity. Everyone in America can test positive for Covid-19 assuming they have an immune system. What they're calling a test is not a test - its a scarlet letter. The coronavirus is the body's exosomes. These are secreted by the cells under numerous conditions. Duke-trained Doctor Andrew Kaufman explains it all in a concise 30-minute presentation. After, you hear laymen like myself ask questions. Please share, steal, reupload, monetize, condense, and spread as you see fit. You are the land's immune system. This video is everything you need to spread the word. Call out the Minutemen who will still listen. Tell them we need them now more than ever.'' +++++++++ How do our cells protect themselves? With a small protein molecule named Glutathione (GSH). This molecule is called a tri-peptide because it is composed of three amino acids – cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. GSH is also known as a thiol because its electron-donating capacity is linked to the sulfa group. It is the ability of this molecule to donate an electron of hydrogen that provides for its bioactivity. It actually functions as a non-enzymatic reducing agent. Glutathione is so important that it is found in almost every living cell – plant, animal and human. Medical research has determined that less than 70% of the reduced (active) form of glutathione in the cell will result in cellular dysfunction, and a disease state will follow. It has been documented that those people who are HIV positive can delay or prevent the ARC (AIDS related complex) from occurring by maintaining high levels of intracellular GSH (reduced form). The cell synthesizes or produces its own glutathione dependent on the needs of that particular cell. The substrates or building blocks, when adequately present inside the cell, allows the cell to maintain production of GSH at a rate that will exceed the required 70% active form. The amino acid that is the “rate limiting” amino acid is cysteine. It is far more difficult for the body to obtain sufficient cysteine than either glutamic acid or glycine. In fact, those people in their late 50”s or early 60”s have a slowly declining production rate of this important molecule. For example, the senior citizen who is already experiencing a decline in intracellular glutathione, who is placed on medication (whether prescription or over-the-counter) for their symptoms. Medication is considered a xenobiotic, which is any foreign substance, not synthesized by the body. These xenobiotics must be broken down and excreted from our cells and hence from the body. If this does not occur, we become toxic over time. Then, add our western lifestyle with the carbonated drinks, fast foods, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, excess coffee and pasteurization, and we have a body that is over utilizing intracellular glutathione. This intracellular glutathione must be replaced. In support of this function of detoxification we find that the largest concentration of glutathione occurs in the liver. The liver can export glutathione to other areas of the body. The second largest concentration occurs in the epithelial lining fluid of the lungs. This is our major cellular defense where air contamination is concerned. Glutathione is called the master, intracellular antioxidant. Another major role of GSH is to capture the free radicals that are created when the immune system responds to attack. Monoclonal expansion is expansion of our cellular defenses when we suffer an attack against our cells. Free radical production is rapidly increased with cell division and this desire of our immune system to respond to this danger is greatly inhibited unless adequate amounts of glutathione are present. Another very important role for intracellular glutathione is that of cellular protection against radiation. A recent research article published in the journal Radiology states that “radiation from a single whole-body scan is equal to that from 100 mammograms and is similar to that received by survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan – about 1 _ miles from the explosions – according to radiation biologist, David J. Brenner of Columbia University. The radiation from one scan is enough to produce a tumor in one out of 1200 people, and for those who have annual scans the risk increases to one tumor in every 50 people. With inadequate intracellular GSH the risk is greatly increased. The results are self-evident in our increasing cancer incident reports. Detoxification, immune response, antioxidant requirements and protection from radiation caused cellular disease – what more can be said concerning the absolute requirement for maintaining GSH at 80 to 90% active form per cell? For cellular repair and regeneration we also depend on the organelles, where our metabolic processes occur to receive protection by the neutralization of free radicals. These free radicals are actually produced by our cellular functions. About 2 to 5% actually escape the normal mechanisms for capture. This is where GSH comes to our rescue. Before the instability of the free radical can stabilize itself by damaging the organelles in the cell, glutathione provides a stabilizing hydrogen ion and prevents cellular damage. The final responsibility of GSH is as a participant in apoptosis. Apoptosis is the programmed cell death that is set into motion when the cell steps out of normal service to the body. Glutathione is necessary for cellular protection, repair and the very cornerstone for cellular healing. Remember, cellular healing means tissue healing and tissue healing means normal organ function that translates into balance, harmony and health. Contact me to find out more about supporting your immune system naturally: [email protected]

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Les traitements efficaces interdits

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Are Government And Media Lying About COVID? ->

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

The Polio Plandemic 66 years ago was the template for the current Plandemic. There’s your soundbite. If you want to know all of the psychological, biological and chemical warfare details on how they pulled this off then it is worth the 59 page expose on the foundational fraud that got us all into the situation we are in now. Click here for PDF: In pHARMa We Trust words & art by Patrick Jordan & FranZetta 2021

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

You want the goods on Fauci? THIS is his doing. Fauci was in charge of NIAID’s AIDS division, which conducted these heinous trials, in which HIV/AIDS drugs were tested on foster children who were actively removed from their homes by “Children’s Services,” whose powers were drastically expanded by RUDY GIULIANI so children of color could be removed by force for non-compliance when they or their parents refused “treatment.” Fauci also owned the patent for recombinant IL-2, which was one of the drugs tested on these child victims. From the Internet Archive, and with gratitude to the incomparable Liam Scheff: “In the early 1990ıs, ICC began to conduct experimental drug trials on foster children. Indeed, ICC was the only non-medical facility in the country that received federal research grants from NIH-AIDS division to test experimental AIDS drugs and vaccines on HIV infected or "presumed² infected infants and children. This gave rise to concern that children who might never have developed AIDS were unjustifiably exposed to the horrific adverse effects of highly toxic drugs for purposes other than therapeutic. “AHRP searched the website of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ( ) and discovered that ICC was the site of 36 trials testing the safety of highly toxic AIDS drugs, vaccines, and drug /vaccine combinations. The trials were mostly phase I and II, which means they posed the highest level of risk for the children without a foreseeable benefit for them. To paraphrase bioethicist, Dr. Art Caplan: if a phase I trial proved beneficial to a human subject, it would be reported as "a miracle!" “February 29, 2004: The New York Post reported that ACS acknowledge only 50 children were used in 13 experiments "with high doses of AIDS medications² at ICC. See: "Aids Tots Used as Guinea Pigsı² “March 8, 2004: A Freedom of Information request for the adverse event reports from the ICC trials was rejected by NIH, citing "trade secrets² and "privacy² exemptions. AHRP then filed a complaint with the FDA and the Office of Human Research Protections, charging that foster children had been denied federal protections from research risks. See: “March 10, 2004: AHRP filed a complaint with the FDA and the federal Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP). The complaint led these two agencies to investigate. See: “November 30, 2004: BBC broadcast "Guinea Pig Kids² in the UK causing shock waves among Europeans and galvanizing African-American community activists who launched a campaign to inform the community by holding weekly demonstrations in front of ICC .Several groups led by December 12th Movement, demanded public hearings. “April 2005: After a year of angry denials, when confronted with evidence uncovered by the Associated Press, the Cityıs Administration of Childrenıs Services acknowledged in April 2005, that 465 foster children had been in the trials.”

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Anthony Fauci was at the center of the HIV fiasco of the 1980s. He was an integral part of the NON-RESPONSE and ultimately chose profit over patients. He has been at the helm of Lyme disease and Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) policy for decades, denying the basic mechanisms of illness (IMMUNOSUPPRESSION) while he owns at least one patent for a treatment. “August 17, 1989: The government has announced that 1.4 million healthy, HIV antibody-positive Americans could “benefit” from taking AZT, even though they show no symptoms of disease. New studies have “proven” that AZT is effective in stopping the progression of AIDS in asymptomatic and early ARC cases. Dr. Fauci, the head of NIH, proudly announced that a trial has been going on for “two years” had “clearly shown” that early intervention will keep AIDS at bay. Anyone who has antibodies to HIV and less than 500 T-4 cells should start taking AZT at once, he said. That is approximately 650,000 people. 1.4 million Americans are assumed HIV antibody-positive, and eventually all of them may need to take AZT so they don’t get sick, Fauci contended.” He’s a snake and the gatekeeper of immunosuppression diseases. Because if immunosuppression diseases actually exist, vaccines become obsolete. Knowing that immune tolerance is one of the main drivers of disease in people with Lyme Disease, Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and even HIV, Dr. Anthony Fauci in 1999 created a NIAID-funded organization now known as “Immune Tolerance Network.” This organization’s purpose is to commercialize immune-tolerization drugs to treat the minority who have an autoimmune response. They exploit the disease mechanism of the many as a treatment for the few, while simultaneously ostracizing and denying care to those who suffer chronically from immune tolerance.


- 2 years ago  

For an excellent account of the complete and utter fraud of HIV as the cause of AIDS, read the book "Fear of the invisible" by Janine Roberts. In it, she clearly documents that the human immunodeficiency virus was never isolated or proven to be the cause of AIDS. Rather, she makes a compelling argument that the actual cause of AIDS was the drug-fuelled party lifestyle in the gay community in which AIDS was first noted, in particular the use of nitric oxide, but also other drugs, that destroyed the immune system of those taking them. She also documented that eventually the expanded the symptoms required for a person to be diagnosed with AIDS to a point that they could match other diseases quite easily and that the diagnosis of AIDS could be made without a positive HIV test, which also does not test for a virus but rather antibodies made in response to a particular protein that is commonly found in all people.

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Thank you!


- 2 years ago  

He certainly calls it like it is at 47:15 when he says "they're not taught about health in medical schools, they are taught about dispensing drugs" and at 47:24 in the video when he says "the pharmaceutical houses need drug peddlers."

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  
