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Darkness Is Falling



Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 260 - Signs Of The Times!

  - 1:30:27

Matthew 16:1-4 “The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. 2He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, you say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. 3And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and overcast. O you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky; but can you not discern the signs of the times? 4A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.” Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Ten Pages - 272 Videos New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series - 6 Pages 272 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series - 11 Pages 272 Videos Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling Channels 1 + 3 Street Preacher 5.0






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December 19th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education


Christ is King

- a year ago  

Hi William, just curious how the injection is the mark of the beast when God’s word says no man can buy or sell unless they receive the mark, but people can still buy and sell using cash or precious metals. Wouldn’t cash have to be done away with first? Which I know is coming soon with digital currency. Also it says it is a mark in their hands or foreheads. Wouldn’t it have to be visible for everyone to see who is marked and who is not?


- a year ago  

Found 28,625 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19 or COVID19-2) and Patient Died and Did Not Recover -


- a year ago  



- a year ago  

Dear Brother William, thank you for your ongoing warnings. For my region, I feel like they are heavily going against the elderly where they would refuse nursing home admission if they aren't v-ed or refused to take daily PCR tests (which is also a form of nanotech injection). But they have temporarily let the younger population go about their daily lives with relaxed restrictions, such as the removal of vaccine pass previously required to enter into malls or restaurants. This, however, hasn't made life any easier. It has made life harder. Because putting the elderly on spotlight means I am stuck in a deadlock where no nursing homes would take my father. This is the beast government saying you either take it or we'll make life impossible to you. This comes first to the elderly, then us.


- a year ago  

Hello When I saw the holy spirit then Jesus opened my spiritual eyes. That is how Jesus has revealed himself to me and that is my testimony. He meets us in different ways. Holy spirit is Jesus so he appeared to me when I was saved. The physical world that we see with physical eyes is also spiritual. Everything that happens in spirit is revealed in the physical world. What happened in Noah's time before the flood came was physically visible. Now we are in the last part of the tribulation and it is Judgment and no one can see it with physical eyes or understand except those who have the Holy Spirit. Everything that happens now is spiritual that is revealed in physical world so we know that the book of Daniel and the book of revelation are open in heaven and what is prophesied in them is happening now. You can ask Jesus to reveal to you this knowledge to understand. Ask Jesus to open your spiritual eyes and ears. Bible is physical and spiritual you read with physical eyes but the Holy Spirit reveals it in your spirit so you can understand. I try to explain and I hope you understand. Jesus bless you


- a year ago  

Dear EsterIsrael, thank you for your explanation. When I was under the age of 7, my parents old me that my brother and I would throw dolls at the window when we see spiritual beings (demons I suppose). Now I can see nothing. I can understand that we are at the end though. Sometimes in some biblical passages, the author would describe seeing the Holy Spirits or demons. I just wonder how people actually see that but I can't.


- a year ago  

Holy Spirit*

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi iii244! It's great to hear from you! I believe you are right about what is happening. This is happening in many places. It is a very difficult time we find ourselves in. I'm sorry to hear about your trouble with your elderly father. Many people are going through this. You are NOT alone. There is no answer except to do your best and trust fully in God for answers through prayer. This is why the scripture repeats twice in Rev 13 & 14, "Here is the Faith and Patience of the saints." Jesus said that this time would be "Terrible" and we are beginning to see and experience this. Put all your faith in Christ and stand on his Word faithfully!


- a year ago  

[KJV 1611] Pro 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruell. --- --- If a cat is crying in your neighbourhood at night - its hungry or cold --- --- I would recommend putting dry cat food and water out each night using paper plates (stray and feral cats are usually dehydrated) and buying the following products to help stray/feral cats survive this winter : (a good Cat Kennel) +++ (Self Heating Pet Blanket) +++ (2-Way Pet Door) +++ (Soft Warm Blanket) (Total cost around £100 + always avoid buying from Amazon if you can).


- a year ago  

Thank you brother William for your faithfulness to Jesus our God and Savior I am grateful to Jesus that you are among the few who share a true and correct knowledge of God's word and all the revelation that the Lord gives you to share with the body of Christ. Knowledge is great and there are few who walk on the path of truth🕊 I am one of the few who walk on the path of righteousness who serve Jesus with all my heart and with all my soul according to his word and his commandments. There are few who live a Holy life according to God's word, a life of truth and sanctification. When I was baptized in the spirit, I saw the Holy Spirit in front of my eyes like a white dove that flew into my chest, it was the most amazing thing. And when I was baptized in the lake the windows of heaven were opened and a strong light shone over me like a ray from the throne of God. I have seen many miracles of God and I live close to him he is my King Father and Savior🕊 Lord has shown me truth that only few people on this earth can understand and receive and it is exactly the same teaching that you Willian share. I was impressed when I listened to your video it is the answer to my prayer to meet true disciples of Jesus. William everything you say is truth and only a few can receive it and understand, Thank you Jesus! The beginning of 2020 before the vaccine was started, Jesus told me in the spirit that the vaccine was a biological weapon, I immediately understood that it was the mark of the beast. Jesus gave me words that I warned people on FB around the world. Warning was for Christians many of them believed that they can bless the vaccine and receive . That is what he said in my spirit: If someone takes the vaccine at the same moment as the needle enters the body, the Holy Spirit will leave that person and he or she will be a slave to Satan. Vaccine is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and it is unpardonable sin. Many have attacked me and do not believe that vaccines are the mark of the beast even today because they do not have spiritual eyes or they live in sin. I live and die for Jesus if it is his will he has shown me grace & love I trust only in Jesus I am alone here in Sweden with the knowledge that Jesus has given me and I have never met anyone who understands even half of the knowledge that we chosen have been given Lord has shown me 16 years ago that Freemasons rule the whole world and no one understands what I say. Here in Sweden Christians are religious they follow Babylon customs they celebrate Christmas believe in the rapture obey more pastors than Jesus. All these stone churches are governed by freemasons around the world Most of the Christians here in Sweden have already taken the vaccine and believe that the government and the doctor are right and the vaccine is to save lives from the viruses ... we know that is Satan's lie May Jesus bless us and all those who seek the truth may find in Christ Jesus the Only True and living God. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the ONLY ONE TRUE God & MESSIAS Jesus bless you brother William


- a year ago  

Amen, wonderful testimony brother - the Lord be magnified in all you do and may you continue to prosper in faith till the Lord comes to take you home - whether in life or in death. I put this document together to show indeed the fallen angels are entering into people via the mark of the beast vaccines: VACCINES - HOW SATANIC SPIRITS ENTER INTO PEOPLE VIA THE VACCINES.pdf


- a year ago  

Hello EsterIsrael, are you still able to see the Holy Spirit or other spiritual beings up till today? Cause I can pray in tongues but could not physically see spiritual beings. I can only feel by emotions, or to see the reactions of the animals nearby to notice if spiritual beings might be around.

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Ester! Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimony! I'm so glad that God has been powerfully at work in your life and that these messages have been a blessing. I agree with all that you have written here. Please keep in touch as you are able and pray for me when you remember. God bless you richly!


- a year ago  

Dear EsterIsrael - PLEASE EXPAND IN DETAIL - WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES - "I have seen many miracles of God and I live close to him he is my King Father and Savior🕊 Lord has shown me truth that only few people on this earth can understand". --- Your testimony is AMAZING - we all would love to hear more from you, regularly - since our Lord God, Jesus Christ is clearly using you abundantly.


- a year ago  

A priest also gave a similar testimony albeit on the wrong side: "That is what he said in my spirit: If someone takes the vaccine at the same moment as the needle enters the body, the Holy Spirit will leave that person and he or she will be a slave to Satan. Vaccine is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and it is unpardonable sin." --- VACCINES ARE MADE IN MURDERED BABIES BODIES2.pdf


- a year ago  

The bible calls the TV News Reader witches SOOTHSAYERS / CHARMERS: if you have not watched the movie Network, you should : Part (1) --- Part (2)