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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 242 - Event Horizon!

  - 1:21:58

In this video i want to “Summarize” and bring closure to what i have been talking about and WARNING people about for more than 2 years. When i started out warning people in June 2020 about the coming vaccine being the Mark Of The Beast i didn’t have much to go on but i knew i was right because God showed it to me. Everyone labeled a “truther” was clutching at straws at the time because not much information was available about the nefarious CV19 vaccines that were being promised in “record time” by world health authorities. We have been witnessing a very clever trans-humanizing INJECTION program masquerading as a conventional vaccine for a conventional virus threat. The vaccine is NOT a vaccine and the virus is FAKE. There is NO pandemic! It is now clear to SEE the whole program looking BACK at what has transpired in slow-motion before our very eyes. Pure EVIL GENIUS perpetrated on a wicked, Christ rejecting world population who cared about nothing BUT SAVING their own LIVES, LIVELIHOODS and PLEASURES. The whole world is now crossing over “EVENT HORIZON” and there is NO WAY BACK! What has and is being done cannot be undone! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 254 Videos Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling






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August 17th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Should the miracles that testified to the truth of Jesus's words reappear in the world then take heed to the message ,and pray to our Father with words that express the thoughts of the mind . Our Father will only give grace to add to personal resolve if and when we give Him permission. This is how we overcome. And the recording angel writes down all the words that we use as common to social discourse. If the sounds we utter appear to have language but because of no connection with mental thought they are only vocal cord gymnastic they are not recorded . " the Spirit makes intercession with words that can not be uttered" this is Jesus making prayers to the Father on our behalf so that we will become enlightened as to what to pray for ,so that we can grow into the fullness of the character of Jesus. If we say at that time,the miracles are not of God ,then that will be blaspheming the Spirit of the Father . As the message testified by the miracles is an " eleventh hour" or " one minute to midnight " message to not act on that message will result in being shut out as wer the 5 foolish vergins. At Senai Moses invited the 3000 naked revellers to come and stand beside him .It was OK by their standards to dance naked in the freedom of revelry but when asked by Moses to take their stand at his side despite being naked they thought to hide their nakedness by dispersing themselves throughout the encampment . When we come under the conviction of our nakedness despite a lifetime of what we thought was relationship let us not try and hide our nakedness by dispersing into the group from which we came . Take a stand trusting in the invitation and with personal resolve and prayer to the Father for grace let us stand solid in our trust regardless of social pressures even if it is unto death . This scenario is dependant on the 144,000 developing the character of Jesus . As we are free moral agents ,any change in character must be of our own choosing. God is not about to make cyborgs of us just to get His 144,000. If the "Black Rock " ( Lucifer) gets his way and makes cyborgs of us in that we can no longer respond to God's invitation " come let us reason together" then that will trigger the " rock ( Jesus) cut out of the mountain ( God our Father) without hands" in Daniel chapter two to return. It is then that Luke 18v8 will be the state . Opinion seems to be that 6000 years since our creation is up or almost up. It is not the fulfilment of 6000 years that will trigger the return of Jesus but one of the two preceding scenarios . It is therefore my hope that once the 144,000 are made up ,the miracles attending their message will result in the healing of anyone who is suffering from vaccine damage should they so choose to be restored to health and take that stand that Moses invited the 3000 to take.


- 2 years ago  

Another excellent video brother William! This series has to be the most comprehensive, relevant, biblically sound and anointed piece of work to date! You are a TRUE watchman blowing the trumpet in this final hour of human history and great will be your reward in heaven! Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice for such an important mission of sharing the truth and furthering the Kingdom of God in this backslidden apostate age we are living in! It has been an honor getting to know you! Keep fighting the good fight of faith!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Joe! Thank you but really all the glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ. I could not have done this without the leading of his Spirit. I look back myself and am both amazed and humbled that i was able to do this. It is truly a work of God and my prayer is always that God will continue to use me until the very end. I'm so blessed to have gotten to know you guys also. Just amazing. It is an honour to be co workers, fighting for truth and the kingdom. Thank God for the internet! Please pray for me as there are times that i really struggle to get this done. I will do my best to not let the saints down. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

Dear William, thanks for all your hard work over the years - you mentioned you are blocked from working and hopefully not transacting fully (example Western Union) - is there a way we can support this important work of yours by way of monetary support while we can. I cannot find a donate button on your website.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Joshua! You are welcome! This work is a work of God and i will never ask anyone for money because God showed me to never involve money with his Word. I have enough to keep me going! When God shows me to stop the messages then i will. What i really appreciate is your willingness to support this ministry. That sweet heart means more to me than anything. Thank you for the offer but no thank you! The greatest thing you can do is share these messages if you're able, walk upright before God until the end and pray for me. That is my prayer for you. I look forward to seeing you in glory one day soon. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

William, you once said that the King James Bible proved to be very faithful to the manuscripts discovered at Qumran. You give access to this Bible in PDF form on your site Darkness if I found a long documentary whose last part presents the history of attempts to corrupt the biblical texts, you must most certainly know this subject perfectly well, but perhaps someone who comes here will want to watch, the video is located on Rumble, channel TIRZAH 1111 under the title "Jesuits and the New World Order". I pray for all those injected, for those who resisted direct pressure (in France we have 5000 firefighters suspended without pay after refusing to be injected and 15000 medical professionals in the same situation) and for those who persecute us and will persecute us more brutally again very soon. Thank you so much, William, for your new video, please pray for all of us as we pray for you and your family. May God bless and inspire you. See you next week, I hope.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! Yes, the 1611 KJV is about as faithful a translation from the Greek and Aramaic texts as you are going to get. Are there some errors? Yes, Are these errors dangerous deceptions? No! Mostly to do with punctuation and English word choices that do not fully bring out the original meaning. Is it serious? No! God has preserved his Word just as he said he would. Even the dozens of corrupt modern translations still contain the truth of the gospel and prophecy BUT would not be ok for serious study! The Jesuits have done their best to create distrust and confusion amongst those seeking the truth BUT have been unsuccessful in DESTROYING God's Word. Thank you for sharing the link. I thank God for those who are resisting but in the end it will be futile. Thank you for your prayers. So wonderful! Yes, i am praying for you and all that are standing firm and resisting the Beast. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

We arrive almost simultaneously ! Thank you William for being here - I will write to you after seeing your video God bless you


- 2 years ago  

God bless you, brother William.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Ben! Thank you! God has blessed me beyond anything i could imagine. Thousands of people like you write to me and proclaim a blessing upon me regularly. How amazing is that? God bless you too and keep you until that final day!