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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 228 - Katz & Co!

  - 1:30:57

In this video i want to re-visit the topic of the Jesuit science and technology cabal and look at some of its key personnel and the part they have played in the creation of the Mark Of The Beast technology. Most of these people are unwitting pawns or “USEFUL IDIOTS” and have been COMPARTMENTALIZED and thus they are unaware that their work is being used for a nefarious agenda. I talk about the subject of “Useful Idiots” in my Video No. 164. If you haven’t listened to that, i urge you to do so. Most scientists believe the “HUMANIST” LIE that they are helping to progress mankind toward a Golden Age free of disease where people will enjoy man initiated immortality. They BELIEVE the NEW AGE narrative and that’s why they don’t question where the money comes from to fund their research and careers. Naively they believe for the most part that they are contributing to the greater good. One of the KEY contributors to the technologies that are helping the Roman Snake Cult to ENSLAVE humanity is a man by the name of Evgeny or Yevgeny Katz. Evgeny is the Russian variant of the English “EUGENE” so i’m just going to refer to him as Eugene. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception DNA- and RNA-Based Computing Systems 1st Edition






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May 18th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

you can see like a hawk ! thank you

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

You're welcome and God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Hi Brother William I got baptized by water today. Thank God! At last! I was crying like a baby, but I did it! I am filled with joy. I had previously been baptised by laying of hands about a week or so ago, and I look forward to praying in tongues. Thank you so much for your channel. I am still combing through older videos. There is so much to learn. I am sorry for copying pirated books instead of buying them. I was desperate to figure out the truth myself and verify what you said. We TRULY are in the end times, and ALL of the churches in my area are asleep, they think things will go back to normal. I pray that God awakens the church I have been attending. I am ready for the future and will never yield to Satan's plots, scams, and schemes ever again in any area of my life. God bless you, I send you my prayers and love . Thank you for everything. I will tell you as soon as I pray in tongues.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco I am rejoicing with you in Spirit over your decision to get baptized. Wonderful news! Yes, we are at the very end of all things. Prepare for a battle. Satan will not let you go so easily. There will be diverse "temptations" presented to you. Just say NO! I'm praying for you and everyone that is hearing these messages and looking for the truth! Please keep in touch. Seek God earnestly, diligently to baptize you in the Holy Spirit. He will meet you! He is faithful! God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

Dear Mr William, Concerning "corona" symbol meaning surveillance : Dr Bryan ARDIS, in an interview, cited a document about CIA program of earth surveillance from 1950-1960 with an image of the earth covered with satelites sending rays from the space - analogue with the image of coronavirus. This program had a name "Corona Project" for the surveillance of URSS. URSS riposted with concurrent program "Sputnik Surveillance Program of USA". Their present injection has a name Sputnik V. Others observe that the name of the most superior chakra linking to the absolute is "corona" Someone translated Astra -Zeneca form Latin " astra se neca" as : les étoiles se tuent. God bless you


- 2 years ago  

Astra se neca = stars are killing themselves (So sorry I wrote in French and could not edit my comment to correct it)

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna Great to hear from you! Thank you for sharing! I talked about Astra Zeneca in an earlier video but at that time could find no explanation for the word "Zeneca." This sheds some light on a possible meaning. God bless you!