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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 165 - The Eternal Word!

  - 53:23

In this video i’m going to try and present the reality of “The Eternal Word” to both saved and unsaved listeners. Understanding this reality is KEY to understanding the current world situation we all find ourselves in and the ultimate “purpose” for existence. What we see currently under way is a “Spiritual War” raging, for the souls of all men and women. There are 2 opposing sides; one good and one evil. Jesus Christ and his servants are the force for good. They are “For” mankind and seek to Free and Save them. Satan and his servants are the force for evil. They are “Against” mankind and seek to Enslave and Destroy them. This is the truth in all its simplicity. ALL men and women MUST choose a side. Once again as i have stated in previous videos, Romans 6:16 is the operative mandate and reads, “Don’t you know, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” By SIN Paul means THIS BEAST NEW WORLD ORDER SYSTEM ruled by SATAN’S Papal Antichrist and the Roman Jesuit Military. By RIGHTEOUSNESS Paul means GOD’S HEAVENLY KINGDOM ruled by his son and King of the Universe, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST who is THE ETERNAL WORD! Ultimately, every living soul who has ever lived will give an account of their lives to Jesus Christ. The ETERNAL WORD or LOGOS is not only JUDGE in bodily form but also as the spoken and written Word of God! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” Medical Freedom Alliance - Compilation Of Doctor’s Warnings Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series






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June 22nd 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

Tony Blair is the person who has been pushing the british government time after time to get the british people injected. Not mentioned at all as far as I can see. Justin Trudeau is also a jesuit I have read recently, son of Fidel Castro. Bless you. A great video, which I have shared.


- 3 years ago  

Tony Blair is the person who has been pushing the british government time after time to get the british people injected. Not mentioned at all as far as I can see. Justin Trudeau is also a jesuit I have read recently, son of Fidel Castro. Bless you. A great video, which I have shared.


- 3 years ago  

You're telling me the Vatican has control over the CCP ? I would say the elitist; in government also, and the child trafficking ring is involved. All of our media is being screened and censored to conceal these heinous crimes against humanity; but they're getting exposed as we speak.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear from you! Yes, the Jesuit Order controls it all. Every stinking, vile criminal operation on Earth. Every government is a Roman proxy government. It's all controlled through the UN Vatican world government. What you see, know and are told is a Lie, a Facade. We are all living in a Matrix of deceptions so vast it is breathtaking. That's the purpose for making this series of educational videos on the true enemy of mankind "hiding" behind the curtain of "Illusion." The Jesuit sorcerers who have bewitched the whole world into believing their Fake virus and Bio-Weapon Injection Lie with their W.H.O. Medical Inquisition. I've laid it all out in 178 videos.


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. I just want to remind you that you are working for the Lord while many pastors are hirelings working for money and popularity. Sorry you will never be popular but I am sure this brings peace to your soul. Check out this 2 minute video. Still think the Jab is not the Mark, watch this and wake up.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi David It's always great to hear comments from people. It gives me some idea if i'm hitting the "mark" or not. I guess i'll never really know this side of eternity but it helps sometimes. I appreciate your feedback very much as i've been isolated socially from the world for more than a year now. I've never had any doubts that what i've been sharing is 100% true because it is the Spirit of God that has been leading me and showing me. This link you just sent pretty well confirms what i've been saying since July last year. The 3rd "booster" Micro Needle PATCH INJECTION is the final step for the Mark Of The Beast technology in the human body. Thank you for sharing. I pray God's blessing for you in the days going forward. There is NO good news. All Christians in Canada who refuse the Mark will die. This is what we face coming soon. Cheers for now!