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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 218 - Hearing & Seeing!

  - 1:16:32

In this video i want to talk about HEARING and SEEING! About the right way to HEAR and SEE end of the world events. There is a right and a wrong way to HEAR and SEE the world and God’s Word. Jesus admonishes us 13 times with, “He who has an ear let him hear and He who has ears to hear let him hear” in the New Testament. We had better pay attention to what he is saying or else! The world has been and is under a massive deception and the tool that keeps this deception alive and growing is the avalanche of propaganda in the worldwide media. TV is Satan’s instrument of choice to deceive the minds of men. Unless you learn how to read the messages in the MSM News critically you WILL BE deceived. The Jesuits use NEWS to misinform the masses. The NEWS is NOT there to tell you the truth. Essential FACTS are OMITTED in every announcement which INVERTS the TRUTH. How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception Rumble - Darkness Is Falling BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling channels 1+3






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March 17th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- a year ago  

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- 2 years ago  

Another excellent video brother William! This series has to be the most comprehensive, relevant, biblically sound and anointed piece of work to date! You are a TRUE watchman blowing the trumpet in this final hour of human history and great will be your reward in heaven! Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice for such an important mission of sharing the truth and furthering the Kingdom of God in this backslidden apostate age we are living in! It has been an honor getting to know you! Keep fighting the good fight of faith! Your friend and brother in the Lord...Joe Lillie


- 2 years ago  

Hello sir! Thank you for replying, it was really insightful, and you proved it with scripture as it should referring to the sabbath!! Praise the lord I’m studying you’re website right now!! And it occurred to me!! Who is worthy to baptize anyone in the name of Jesus if pastors today don’t preach the true gospel at least the churches I’ve attended!!


- 2 years ago  

What’s you’re stance on the sabbath? And what day do you believe the sabbath really lands on because of the calendars and days have been changed! Can you bring some insight, I see you are a true Bible believing Christian as I am also,myself!!


- 2 years ago  

I went through that journey. Jesus fulfilled the law including the Sabbath as the Lord of it.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Jayrok In-the-beginning-God is right! Jesus did fulfill the law. Hebrews 4:9-11 declares, “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.” Jesus Christ IS our sabbath rest. This is Spiritual NOT a Literal Day. IF we are IN Christ and Christ is IN us then we are at rest and no longer subject to the Old Law because Christ is the Perfect One and completes or fulfills the obligation of the Law and did away with it by nailing it to the cross. Colossians 2:14, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;" There are NO special days and the scripture makes this clear. Galatians 4: 9-11 says, "But now that you know God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you are turning back to those weak and worthless principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? 10You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! 11I fear for you, that my efforts for you may have been in vain." No one can be observing both the Old and New Testaments. That is an abomination to God because it nullifies Christ's work on the cross. Christ died to set us free from the Law of sin and death! EVERY day is a new day to walk and talk with Christ! Glorious freedom 24/7! God bless you! See my webpage "Jesus Christ Is Our Sabbath Rest" at:


- 2 years ago  

Only God has thwarted their plans via the reformation and the true 1611 translation and believers preaching the gospel. So they corrupted bibles via their fake "sources" that were magically discovered by Jesuits researchers. This way they could hide the true anti-Christ in Rome and infect churches via false doctrine and then send their agents to teach more false doctrines like the rapture. Then once the church was under control they hijacked medical practices using Vatican money to destroy real medical practitioner credibility and make them look like witch doctors that hey truly were. Fake medical research institutions, fraudulent germ theory, fantasy virus and venomous injections. They never could infect one person with the common flu include the “Spanish” variety! So the current financial crisis (like previous ones) is by design to rob all wealth and transfer it to themselves in order cement absolute power as they always desired according to their vows and demand loyalty from every nation. The populous will be destitute. People have been indoctrinated via every angle and but more than that – completely deluded. Deluded within their delusions. I warned people and one in particular person actually saw the fraud but then took the latest vaccine that was deemed safe by the media. I provided proof of the germ theory to look at and the fact that media was lying. He ignored me and refused to look at the proof. Now he is sick and thinks it is the fantasy virus. He has been consumed by the beast. This is the man that pointed out that the main stream venom makers were killing people. I told him their strategy and he ignored me because of the core germ theory lie.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Great to hear from you! Everything you said is true. I'm saddened to hear about the person you warned. The same happens to me all the time. Few can HEAR or SEE! Don't stop warning people though. There are still 2.8 billion people who have NOT injected. Find some IF you can! There's still some time left! God bless you for all your efforts. Put ALL your faith in Jesus Christ. The 4th or 5th wave is on the way! The pressure will increase on the REMNANT who have not succumbed to the vaxx!


- 2 years ago  

The evil WHO are right now going ensure they have power over all pandemics locally so they can take control. Therefore governments will cry - "we are just obeying The WHO!"


- 2 years ago  

Criticizing obscurantism with obscurantism.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Thanks for commenting but your statement is "trite" and "self-defeating." You have added nothing to the discussion. "Relativism" is a dead end! Your statement makes no sense! Try using absolutes. Everything is based on absolute principles/Laws. Somehow you seem to be unaware of this fact. We live in a world governed by absolutes NOT relativism. My question is, did you actually watch the video? You appear to have zero understanding about what is being presented here. I'm dealing with absolutes that drive world power and how to SEE and HEAR what is happening! It appears you can't SEE or HEAR what is being said!


- 2 years ago  

God Bless all amen.!