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Shocking Cover-Up of Severe Vaccine Reactions Fraudulent Clinical Trials Exposed by Whistleblowers

  - 27:43






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November 8th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

This is good work - what a disgrace this whole thing is..


- 3 years ago  

HOW TO GET THE VICTORY? WE CAN!!! How do we, as human beings GET THE VICTORY in this horrific, nightmare beast of a system? They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES SO MUCH AS TO SHRINK FROM DEATH" . Revelation 12:11-- Repent of your sins. Get the sin out and keep it out! Follow Jesus- an enduring, submitting, obedient faith. Live clean and holy. All men will hate you because of me, but he who endures to the end will be saved. (Mt. 10:22) At this hour, the most relevant Bible verses/chapters to read now: (Revelation ch 6, Rev ch 11-14,) Most important: (Rev 13:16-17, 12:11, 13:10, 14:9, 20:4) Luke 21, Mark 13, Mt. 24&25, 2 Thess 2:1-4, Daniel ch 7 until the end (especially, 7,8 &9).


- 3 years ago  

THIS IS UNSTOPPABLE. (Matthew 24:21, Daniel 7:25, 8:24, Revelation 13:7, 13:10, 6:8-9, 20:4) For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again. (Matthew 24:21) He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. (Daniel 7:25) He will become very strong, but not by his own power. HE WILL CAUSE ASTOUNDING DEVASTATION and WILL SUCCEED IN WHATEVER HE DOES. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people. (Daniel 8:24) It was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. (Rev. 13:7) "If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the SWORD, with the sword they will be killed." This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people. (Rev 13:10) AGAIN: THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS AT THE 4TH SEAL. Many will die by the SWORD (Rev.6:8) (When he opened the fifth [5th] seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. Rev 6:9) SWORD in the Greek can mean a broad type of blade like a cutlass, or any weapon of the type. GUILLOTINE. (Look into the Noahide Laws) And I saw the souls of those who had been BEHEADED because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Rev 20:4) Seal 2 has been opened jpg


- 3 years ago  

The GREAT RESET = the Great Tribulation = (Great Distress) = New World Order = New Normal = Agenda 21 It seems that we have entered the Great Tribulation (Distress) We are in Revelation 6 right now and the 1st Seal and 2nd Seal have been opened. The rider on the white horse was given a crown. (Corona) and a bow (toxon, from which we get our word poison) Seal #2- fiery red horse: peace taken from earth and men slaying (maiming too) each other with this poisonous jab Seal #3 black horse: FAMINE (could be hyperinflation as well; scarcity) Mark of the beast is between 3rd and 4th seals Seal #4 pale horse: ¼ of earth to die by famine, sword (guillotine) and men slaying each other Seal # 5 Souls under the alter of those slain who did not take the mark and held to testimony of Jesus; Seal # 6- The Rapture- sun will be darkened, moon will not give its light, stars will fall from the sky; "son of man on the clouds" (see also Mt 24:29, Lk 21, Mk 13) Seal #7 Wrath of God (also Trumpet 7)


- 3 years ago  

People were warned that it was not vacines and the dangers , the government stoped anyone on this planet to talk about it or have the truth told .. People should not complain if they are injured from the poisins the injected into there bodies .. Let them die cause they refused the truth ....


- 3 years ago  

Very good. You nailed it. One thing I might add. The reason (Zombie) is referenced, is because of the vaccinated. The vaccinated are walking dead! They just don't know it yet. Watch the rise in several rear diseases climb and young or extremely healthy start to become ill or die over the next 3 months. stay informed!


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

The ONLY THING that you need to know to melt away the LIARS: That word pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakiea which means LITERALLY SORCERY AND SATANISM! You can easily confirm that fact in a Strong's concordance. Those who are telling you something about this situation and PRETENDING to be your friend is a HUGE LIAR!


- 3 years ago  

My last comment on John Campbell’s site was “I can’t figure out where you are coming from, but I have my suspicions”. Fascinating to hear your take on this guy.


- 3 years ago  

Yes, I see that too! He's promoting Remdesivir which is really a means of massive genocide here in the United States as part of the "protocols" as exposed by Dr. Ardis in the Ebola study quoted by FRAUDCI claiming that it's "safe and effective". Here: Remdesivir & Protocols GENOCIDE! THE PROOF 🧾 FRAUDCI FAUCI LIED NON-STOP to MURDER MANKIND! "Dr. John Campbell" is a serpent 👹🐍⚕️💉💊👽👿 a demonic carnivorous creature from below the surface of the earth in Sheol Gehenna and the Netherworld called the house of the dead, the Dead as referenced to include ALL of the vessels trained for destruction and ALL of the vessels trained for seduction; nephilim fallen angels abomination crafted by the craftsman Zeus Satan that ancient SERPENT 👹🐍⚕️💉💊👽👿. How can you tell? 1) You shall know them by their fruits (he's pushing this narrative of the establishment) and 2) There is physical indicators of abomination a) Stiff upper lip that is thin and does not move or barely moves at all. b) Deep facial lines extending towards the ears or the Chevron 🔰 in the corners of the mouth like Al Gore and Hillary the Devil 👿; c) Clear signs of gender inversion (flip) must also be present. Learn the gender markers of Our creation: male and female. They are gender inverted demonic carnivorous creatures from below because it was the goal of the evil one to rise and be just like the Most High. The evil one and his children are transgender in the satanic womb and craft themselves to further depict both genders in one vessel. Why? Because they are flesh eating blood drinking homosexual and lesbian demons incapable of becoming Triune like Us and Our creation: individually male or female, not both in One. John Campbell has ALL of the traits of abomination. In other words: he IS abomination. I gave him a chance to respond and repent of his wickedness, he refused and now he is condemned to die the final death for his ridiculousness and wickedness pushing this satanic cult ritual blood sacrifice agenda. All shots are abomination. They all involve satanic cult ritual blood sacrifice by cutting off a living babies' cheek and further are sorcery; the word pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakiea which means LITERALLY sorcery, satanism. They take the dead tissue from the baby and then mess around with it until they turn it into a bioweapon is the summary version. Thanks for noticing what I saw too!


- 3 years ago  

Thank you for all the work , research you do , Thank you. We will win .