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Elon Musk Exposed

  - 6:31

The fake genius to help lead humanity into the abyss






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

September 18th 2021  

File Size: 141 MB

Category: Gaming



- 2 years ago  

The shit rises to the top ..


- 2 years ago  

Yes, the truth will make you sad, but the light is very refreshing.


- 2 years ago  

I did a research on what schools Trump wen t and found out that Musk went to one of the same colleges . Penn state


- 2 years ago  

They both went to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, one of the leading Tavistock operations in the USA. Musk did a dual major, economics at the Wharton school, and a BA in physics. Strangely, Musk's professor there went on to be the director at Fermilab @ Caltech, which is parnered with CERN, leading the cutting edge on early high energy particle physics. If you've seen the opening ceremony video at CERN, you'll understand why that is "strange".


- 2 years ago  

If you followed the story of John Titor, the time traveler from 2036, you'd know the connection with CERN & the eventual invention of stabilized sigularities and the time device itself, in his timeline. More of what he originally talked about in 2000-2001, describing the future in HIS timeline, is now coming to pass in OUR timeline over the past couple years. I wonder what role Elon has to play in our current global social engineered predicament?


- 2 years ago  

I did a research on what schools Trump wen t and found out that Musk went to one of the same colleges . Jesuit I believe and he is listed as a notable


- 2 years ago  

Made a mistake on the jesuit part


- 2 years ago  

Wow, you're so full of shit, it's flabbergasting. He never went to college, you stupid MFers. Is this how you want to make your money ? F... Y.. BIG TIME

Believe it

- 2 years ago  

I take it you're a big fan :)

What's my name?

- 2 years ago  

Elon fan boi in da houz!

Anti Illuminati

- 2 years ago  

Trust No Man! Especially ones trying to build there own tower of Babel


- 2 years ago  

Whoa!! Indeed! A bit of a hit piece on Elon. It may all be true, but may also point out that he’s a smart negotiator and can spot an opportunity and leverage it into becoming a reality and flourishing. These are “outpoints” from years gone by that helped give us the Elon Musk of today. His real-world stats utterly destroy the minuscule value of all the points made in the video. Like the quote by Steve Jobs; “What happens when great technology meets great creativity? Besides Steve Jobs, Musk happens. SpaceX is 100% his baby as far as I know, from scratch. After 3 failed launches he was one more bad launch away from total failure and bankruptcy. Shot #4 was a success and he was able to capitalize on that and build the leading rocket company. The most recent Falcon 9 launch last week was the 100th booster to nail the landing, something NASA and McDonald Douglas or other big companies would have taken 40 or 50 years to do at 100 to 1000 times the cost or more from our tax money. The Starship will have to be technologically superior to the Falcon 9 to get us back to the moon, and mankind to Mars. He’s working hard on that and encountering huge barriers and stops. Right now it’s with engine production. If the upcoming 2022 orbital Starship/booster test launch successfully returns it will be a monster achievement. If he even comes close, something crashes but almost nailed it, it will be a huge step forward in rocketry, returning us to space and hopefully to Mars. I don’t know what happened with Tesla exactly, but he did put vehicles into production (tough step) with excellent technology and saved the upstart company from financial collapse. I don’t know that Tesla would have ever made it to production without Musk. On top of that, was it his idea to start and push Tesla so far ahead in self driving tech? Probably. He’s taken big steps forward in A.I., direct man-computer interface via brain implants, Starlink internet connections via satellite, and is currently starting up a robotics project to create a functioning human-like robot that I’m sure will piggyback on his A.I. He’s probably nurturing several other projects. Unlike George Soros who is using his vast wealth to undermine and destroy the freest, greatest people and country on the planet, Musk is trying to leverage every resource possible to create a world of our wildest dreams. Did you hear his response when someone told him he was the richest man in the world? He paused and said; “Ok. Let’s get back to work.” This video picks nits, sounds a bit like cancel culture. Who needs it? I’m still waving the flags, pom-poms and jumping up and down cheering Musk on. Still a fan and hope he can get us to Mars. He’s created a new hope for many people across broad areas of our lives.

What's my name?

- 2 years ago  

Another Elon fan boi!


- 2 years ago  

I had a lawyer one time tell me, "If it's too impossible to be true, it probably is." Notice, that's not a possibility, it's a probability. You get your foot in the door of a corporation and weasel through it's board of directors, you can put Kellogg Cereals on everybody's kitchen table !


- 3 years ago  

Once you know he is involved with hollywood, I think thats enough to not trust him. Of course there is so much more too... thanks for the post!


- 2 years ago  

Hey Guys, I'm making $4000 per month with this awesome home based system, enough for me to make a living. You don't need to invest anything, It's totally FREE! you just have to download it, here's the link ↠↠↠☛


- 3 years ago  

Grimes isn't around anymore!


- 3 years ago  

pyramid tells all the mystery religion people this channels purpose.


- 2 years ago  

Hey Guys, I'm making $4000 per month with this awesome home based system, enough for me to make a living. You don't need to invest anything, It's totally FREE! you just have to download it, here's the link ↠↠↠☛

Well Done

- 3 years ago  

Something is very, very "off" about this Musk. I don't trust word one of his whole life.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Elon Musk has been under attack by the big left wing Communist party! The thing that save him from being slightly left of center, is he's one of the greatest minds of our times! His Satellite program is the key (It will end all unauthorized flight and rocket launches) while at the same time can shut down all power around the world! Soon the few will take it and everything else. We no longer have the numbers on our side GAME OVER!


- 3 years ago  

HERE you are commenting saying (what the evidence present here & already been published for years to the contrary) that Elon is a fraud. And yet you hear the name Elon and ignore the very evidence presented, you are truly a sheep for the slaughter. Not to be pitied, not a victim, but a willing sacrifice.