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Noam Chomsky on censorship and the left

  - 2:10

Originally uploaded to by Glenn Greenwald Noam Chomsky on censorship and the left. Please listen:






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

December 19th 2020  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

OLD FOOL still can't see how HIS own words are the problem its you, you OLD FOOL, who thought a generation of idiots when is Satan coming for your soul? the earlier the better


- 3 years ago  

Noam Chomsky is a pathetic, intellectually dishonest gatekeeper and not even good at that. People still think this fossil is somewhat relevant? He never was.


- 3 years ago  

Mealy mouthed dissent- it's not "very serious," it's unGodly, unConstitutional, and un-American.


- 3 years ago  

Now you've met David Letterman's Brother. I wanna say, hey David, whose the smarter brother? But, it's kind of obvious, neither, but they do have their "special" talents, right Mom?


- 3 years ago  

He said that the Right has been doing it "forever" and that he could give examples. BUT why did he not do so?? in his assinine labelling of Trump as the greatest criminal in history because DJT does not endorse the junk science which is Global Warming I have lost ALL respect for Chomsky. But I was, mea culpa, a leftist for some 40 years. Thank God I am such no longer


- 3 years ago  

censorship against any dissenting speech from either the left or right on any issue of importance to the pyramid cap and their corporate technocratic rule they wish to impose , blamed on either the left or right as divisionary, is the tactic that is as old as civilization.


- 3 years ago  

For once he's right: Abandoning free speech is not good for anyone. As for Trump enjoying it, I think he's wrong.


- 3 years ago  

Well, he can't renounce his entire career now, can he.


- 3 years ago  

What the fuck is wrong with this fuckin' meathead? He's equating fighting communism with fighting for communism, so I guess that answers that!


- 3 years ago  

A skunk cant change it's stripes as they say... he just looks more like the part now.


- 3 years ago  

The fact that Noam Chomsky's books were not burned and banned pretty much destroys his argument that the left is just copying the right when it comes to censorship.


- 3 years ago  

I believe Chomsky is referring to the Nazis' burning of books, which notably is the only example he can think of off the top of his head even though he says there are so many other examples. That being said, aside from their policies on race, the Nazis' policies were actually those of the left as they espoused government control over the economy and everyone's freedoms, just like the left is doing today. It goes without saying that this suppression of dissent comes with every left socialist/communist government that ever existed.

Glenn Howden

- 3 years ago  

Noam Chumpsky is boring and wrong. An ivory tower philosopher totally disconnected from the real world. I tried to like him, but was put off by his misunderstanding of lowly workers and then fell asleep trying to read his academic gobbledygook.


- 3 years ago  

Looks like someone wants to play God in a Hollywood film. This asshat has been a central contributor to left-wing thought and the rabid emotionalism that's turned so many against common sense.


- 3 years ago  

I was in college & grad school in the 1960's and remember the Berkeley protests well. The Marxist's initial complaint was that they couldn't use profanity and vulgarity in public discourse. They were protesting for "free speech", not the free exchange of ideas and opinions, which is not allowed today by the very same folks, and later their kids, doing the protesting. They were also promoting promiscuity.<p> They completed their "long march" through academia, the media and gov bureaucracy. Now in charge, they tolerate NO opinions different from their own.</p> <p> The ring leaders from the 60's protests went to the DNC in Chicago in 1968 and with the help of Presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey and his Marxist Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party the <b>Marxist captured the leadership of the Democrat Party</b>. Those ring leaders became known as the "Chicago Eight" (later "Seven") during their trial for various charges, all of which were dismissed on appeal. Marxist theology has been coursing through the veins of the DNC every since and now, with Biden and Harris, their platform is indistinguishable from the platform of the Communist Party of America. </p> More than 1/5th of Congress are members of, or sympathetic to, the Congressional Progressive Caucus. "Progressive" is cloaking word used to hide their Marxist goals. The most astonishing thing is that these traitors took an oath: "<i> I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign <b>and domestic</b>; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that <b>I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion</b>, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.</I>” </P> <P> It is obvious that they lied, as evidenced by their constant attacks against the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The 1st Amendment lists several rights: free speech, freedom of association, free press, freedom of (not from) religion, and the right to redress grievances. Tyrannical mayors and governors have illegally suspended those rights using covid-19 as an excuse. </p> <p> From Feb 2, 2020 until today, less than 500 children between the ages of 5 and 24 have died of C-19, and those were kids who had "co-morbidities". Most kids are asymptomatic (and as such cannot be "drivers" of the pandemic according to Dr Fauci) and only testing can show that they have contracted the virus. In fact, most people without pre-existing medical conditions are either asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms if they contract C-19. Only those older than 55 and with pre-existing medical conditions, especially those 75+, are the ones dying from C-19. Gov's Coumo and Whitmer are responsible for many of the deaths in the older age brackets when they forced hospitals to send elderly back into nursing homes. And then they blamed Trump, knowing that the Marxist media would back them up with phony "fact checks".


- 3 years ago  

What you have said is entirely correct. The people that are dying from this virus have medical conditions that are so severe and cause their lives to be so precarious that any respiratory virus could cause their death. We know this because it happens every single year, up until now buy the flu virus, but somehow either people have forgotten this or never knew it to begin with, and certainly doctors are not telling anybody this. What also seems to have been totally forgotten is the simple fact of our demographics. We are now at a point where the generations born in the thirties forties and fifties are either in or entering into old age in huge numbers, as those born in the forties and fifties and early sixties were part of the biggest baby boom the West has ever seen. It is only natural that we are going to see elevated numbers of deaths for those generations. It might also be noted those generations had some of the highest rates of smoking ever for Western countries.


- 3 years ago  

Did I miss something? My conservative ears heard he feels the Left have gone so far left that the far Right is enjoying this time in our history? If that's what he said, then I'm still not far enough Right, because I'm not enjoying any of what is going on.


- 3 years ago  

What I notice is..... the old leftist is complaining about the out right dismissal of leftist propaganda in the past. Like when the snake oil salesman or the carpetbagger came to town and were run out of town for their scheming steal your money ways. He is justifying the ways of the left period and condemning you because you finally see through the bullshit of the liberal state of mind. This Noam Chomsky is a Russian Marxist he is just pushing the leftist bullshit. Do not believe me? The conservatives have been compromising to the left for over a hundred years, yet NEVER has the compromise been to the right, period. Now you have what we have today. It is time to stop compromising. The writing is on the wall..... literally. The line is in the sand..... Which side are you on ?


- 3 years ago  

Whoa, that just got him cancelled and probably 1000s of death threats from koolaid colored hair, skinny jean wearing, testosterone deficient, soy latte drinking, gender fluid, basement dwelling, antifa members.


- 3 years ago  

Personal hygiene and grooming are the first to go...


- 3 years ago  

Manufacturing Consent his seminal work on propaganda by such outlets as Time magazine, the New York Times and network news describes is great detail how to well...manufacture consent by altering stories and basically lying to the public. He blamed the far right for this. When did it switch to the far left and how did that 180° come about?


- 3 years ago  

This fool is a superstar for the millennial's and others with serious cognitive disorder. I can't even imagine how people can listen to his crazy opinions and praise him.


- 3 years ago  

A blind squirrel finds a nut- Noam Chomsky