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Tony HellerPLUS



Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 - The Restrict Act does a lot more than just make it illegal for Americans to use TikTok. It will give unelected bureaucrats the power to make it illegal for Americans to use any other app or website, monitor our every move, censor our online speech, and crush any dissent, all…

  - 1:58

Originally uploaded to by Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 The Restrict Act does a lot more than just make it illegal for Americans to use TikTok. It will give unelected bureaucrats the power to make it illegal for Americans to use any other app or website, monitor our every move, censor our online speech, and crush any dissent, all…






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April 7th 2023  

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- a year ago  

China is no threat in a hot war but in the economic world war and PSYOP’s energy war, that they have been conducting since the early 2000’s against America, the CCP are nearing their ultimate goal, our demise like Rome, by imploding economically and socially. ————- The PRC CCP have speed up the offshoring of our US Manufacturing to China and turned the Americans Red States citizens and Blue Cities denizens against each other. ————— China has 1,110 existing operational coal fired power plants. If China had built 1 new coal fired power plant a week from 2001, it would take a little over 21 years to have 1,110 new coal fired inexpensive and reliable power plants. Done! ————— China today is building 1 to 2 new mainland China massive coal fired power plants. China has the most inexpensive and dependable electric power grid in the world and all to power their brand new Chinese manufacturing that now has replaced America as the world’s super power in U.S. Manufacturing. Done! ————— China ‘today in 2023’ is building six times more new coal plants than other countries, report finds - March 2, 2023 By Julia Simon at NPR. —————- Chinese CCP Environmental Psychological operations (PSYOP or Environ-not-see PSYOP’s) are operations to convey the End-is-Near, due to American GOP RNC manmade CO2. Why can Blue City Americans be so easily convinced to end America’s production and use of fossil fuels but specifically inexpensive and abundant coal. Because conservative voters in the flyover Red States of America are the ones working in these fossil fuels industries. Kill them off, that is all fossil fuels energy jobs and you undermine RNC GOP and the Blue City DNC Liberals win more and more elections. ————- Back to why China is useless in a hot war. The CCP one child (one male entitled brat as baby girls were aborted too often) policy between the early 1980’s and ended in 2013 but still obeyed by most Chinese has created a nation of male prima-donna’s. Most CCP one male child prima-donna’s in China have ZERO interest in dying in a hot war. By 2050 China’s CCP One Child Policy will have totally backfired as the nation statistically becomes over a third of 60 or older non-productive mouth feeding male prima-donna’s. If the CCP could only find a disease to kill these aging male prima-donna’s off… 😳


- a year ago  

You have no rights after failing to work for the Kingdom of Heaven performing the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha. And worshipping the one Who created the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. Deliberate willful ignorance is not a value. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Woe to ALL OF YOU who judged Me your Maker unworthy of your mercy! Amen.