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Tony HellerPLUS



Greg Price - 🚨BREAKING: Never before seen video of January 6 shows Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, being led through the Capitol by police the entire time that he was in the building.

  - 1:23

Originally uploaded to by Greg Price 🚨BREAKING: Never before seen video of January 6 shows Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, being led through the Capitol by police the entire time that he was in the building.






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Uploaded a year ago  

March 6th 2023  

File Size: 5 MB



- a year ago  

Putting a person in jail for this is a crime,


- a year ago  

If anyone can see this video and still believe that there was an "insurrection", it is proof that they are an NPC.


- a year ago  

The Romans threw perjurers off the Tarpeian Rock.


- a year ago  

There are thousands of people who have committed treason against the American people from this lie. There needs to be serious consequences for all of them, from the top down, from the bottom up. I would say they need to be aborted. This man is not one of them, in fact he should soon be driving a ferrari, and we of course will be paying for it. Think about it "The government HAS NO MONEY" Think about that when you see the 300 dollar suit or dress. The houses they live in. The golden heath insurance. The down town retirement. The security they get forever. The crimes they commit that are over looked. And, on and on...


- a year ago  

Our government is the policy and enforcement arm of the banks. The banks literally create money by hitting keys on a keyboard. People will never wake up and realize this, just like the "insurrection believers" will watch this video and not think anything of it. We're in full mind control territory here.


- a year ago  

There are thousands of people who have committed treason against the American people if this lie. There needs to be serious consequences for all of them, from the top down, from the bottom up. I would say they need to be aborted. This man is not one of them, in fact he should soon be driving a ferrari, and we of course will be paying for it. Think about it "The government HAS NO MONEY" Think about that when you see the 300 dollar suit or dress. The houses they live in. The golden heath insurance. The down town retirement. The security they get forever. The crimes they commit that are over looked. And, on and on...