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Tony HellerPLUS



Spetsnaℤ 007 🇷🇺 - Can you imagine President Putin or Medvedev saying something so vile. Lindsey Graham says it and it's shared all over cable network in the west. What if Russia said, Americans are d**ING, best money we have ever spent?

  - 0:11

Originally uploaded to by Spetsnaℤ 007 🇷🇺 Can you imagine President Putin or Medvedev saying something so vile. Lindsey Graham says it and it's shared all over cable network in the west. What if Russia said, Americans are d**ING, best money we have ever spent?






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May 28th 2023  

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- a year ago  

Here is my long soliloquy on who is the DC Swamp is: —————- A house divided against itself cannot stand. - Abraham Lincoln —————. The DNC have joined with the Neocon RNC in the DC Swamp to form the UNIPARTY to declare war on all conservatives in Red States of America, by ending fuel extracted from the ground, and most assuredly divided the country against itself and it cannot stand. —————. Without life saving fuel extracted from the ground (Mother Earth), America will fail and fall. NETZERO policies will bankrupt America. —————- Russia’s and China’s economies are both built on extracting cheap and abundant fuel from their ground just like the Red States of America. That is why in Ukraine the DNC and the Neocon RNC will spend as much money as it takes and sacrifice as many Ukrainian lives as possible to destroy both the conservative Red States of America and Mother Russia. —————. The American DNC and Neocon RNC UNIPARTY are hell bent to end all Red States of America fuel production from the ground and want to spend billions to end the fuel based economy in Mother Russia. America is failing horribly at ending Russia but are making great strides at ending their own US Petro dollar, BRIC BY BRIC (BBB). ——————. With half of Americans in the Red States of America in conservative America disenfranchised by the DNC, Neocon RNC UNIPARTY and attacked by the DNC controlled EPA Green insane cult agency, the EPA is nothing but a religious cult and the tip of the spear creating a house divided against itself. —————- Manmade CO2 is not warming the planet but a gaseous fertilizer for plants and trees and an inert gas that NASA satellite imagery since 1960 has shown that ice free continents are now 20% greener and the oceans healthier I.e. the Australian Great Barrier Reef has never been healthier. Greenland in the past 20 years is still adding billions of metric tons annually to its mile and half thick ice shelf. —————- As an American I’m still free to believe we are a land of opportunity, that America has untold wealth under our feet but the current Blue City DNC DC Elite say NO! In California I will not be able to buy a gas, diesel or even a Hybrid vehicle or truck after 2035 or 2040. Do the DNC and Neocon RNC along with Brussels EU want EV driverless Green technology next for all of America and the EU citizenry? Yes! —————- America is a debtor nation divided against itself and Yes, America will not stand. The current Blue City DNC DC and Neocon RNC UNIPARTY politicians have decided to forever divide the nation between those that believe they can change the weather and those who want freedom to be able to still prosper with fuel derived from Mother Earth, derived from below the ground I.e. inexpensive and abundant coal, oil, natural gas resources. —————. A house divided against itself cannot stand. - Abraham Lincoln —————. The DC Swamp uniparty religious zealots want to END all fuel derived from the ground and of course the Neocon RNC are hell bent to bankrupt American taxpayers by always building their next WMD boondoggle and fighting their next endless new proxy war. I thought the DC Swamp was soon to be kaput after the 20 year nation building fiasco in Af-Forget-It-Stan but now I am convinced this new insane proxy war in Ukraine will certainly be the DC Swamp’s undoing. I suspect soon enough all they will control is their DC Swamp underground bunker and their mistress MSM.

All is for YOUR Glory

- a year ago  

The reality that he keeps getting elected makes me wonder how long we’ve been having election integrity issues, hidden, all across the nation.


- a year ago  

Yeah, it's called education, and media & entertainment. Control the minds, control the thoughts, control how people vote. No mystery electronic machines needed. They're just a failsafe.


- a year ago  

Yeah, that's why Russia's kicking ass in Kiev right now; I guess it's because they rather die there ?


- a year ago  

Graham is a POS... but... there IS a cut between the two statements.


- a year ago  

Power attracts psychopaths like flies to a cow pat

Doctor Bacon

- a year ago  

I'm tired of paying for these Warmongers year after year after year. My Grandparents were born during WW1, my Parents were born during WW2, I was born during Vietnam, it never ends.